Whether you win or lose a round against him you will unlock him. Packy can be unlocked by playing through Win Contest in Play VS Computer. Whether you win or lose a round against her you will unlock her.

Woolen can be unlocked by playing through Win Contest in Play VS Computer. Monsta can be unlocked by playing through Win Contest in Play VS Computer. In this mode it explains how the chain reaction combos work. If you beat enough rounds and lose, you can see either a pixel image or a puzzle of the character you were playing as. In this mode you can unlock the 4 characters, Monsta, Packy, Woolen, and Maita. The more people you beat, the harder it gets. In this mode, you face up against an opponent round after round. If this mode is beaten at either the normal or expert difficulty, you can unlock Dreg and Madame Luna in the Player VS Computer or Player VS Player mode. There are three different difficulties: easy, normal, and expert. In this mode, there is an endless night, so your character has to go and retrieve the bubbles that make the Rainbow Bubbles. In this mode it explains how the pulley systems work. In Collection, you can play on different levels at your own leisure. Once all the cards have been sealed you will be able to do a Tarot card reading. After you beat and seal a card, more will appear. You select different levels based on Tarot cards and play through 5 at a time. In Story Mode, the goal is to seal the Arcana, mystical cards, Cronoa has lost in the dream world. The ending pictures differ depending on who you play as. When you get to the end, you'll get to see a picture with a few characters interacting. After you beat those 5 stages you can move further up to another letter. In Arcade, you can do three different difficulties: easy, normal, and expert. There are several different modes you can play in. Do your best to burst the bubbles and seal the cards!" It won't be easy, but Cronoa- and the whole universe- are counting on you to see this difficult task through the end! If you mean this challenge, you will be greatly rewarded. Each card has five challenging puzzles which must be solved in order to seal the card. The energy of each card will be out of balance unless someone brave and skillful can enter the dream world and seal each card.

The Arcana, mystical cards, have fallen into dimensional cracks we call dreams. She comes to warn you of a dire situation, and to ask your help. " A peaceful day ends with a wild night when a character is awoken from a visit from Cronoa, Governess of the Future. The story from the North American Dreamcast booklet. 2.2.3 Explanation of the Chain Reaction.